Monday, December 20, 2010

What a night. Went to dinner with Guy and then Candy Cane Lane. He was in a major hurry so we drove through it quickly. Then hanging out at home, talked to Aaron, then Joani. Then Ger called and met her at a restaurant and chatted with her while she ate dinner. She loved her St. Dymstha (I am sure I spelled that wrong)like I thought she would. Then I took Ger to Candy Cane Lane and we walked through. It was great. There was an igloo with boots sticking out and a Christmas hippo and well a whole bunch of other stuff. It was totally cool. Felt my blood sugar dropping so after dropping off Ger grabbed a snack and am not ready for bed.

Disappointed in a guy I was talking with, just another unavailable man. As they all seem to be. Life in that arena SUCKS!!!

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