Saturday, October 3, 2009

I think the economy is making everyone sick.

Yes. I went to the doctor yesterday and we talked about my weight gain. And how where I work I am the sole full-time person in the equivalent of a 1200 person building. Joy. Joy. In R's words...My Glamorous Job ...

But then I went and paid my car insurance. And oddly enough my insurance agent is my friend or more importantly was my friend before she was an insurance agent. She is getting married in July to a great guy and I am so happy for her. Anyway she of course noticed the bloody bandage on my hand, and it was gross this time. There was a new vampire in the lab, and I got queasy even pulling it off when I got home. But I digress. Jenn always inquires as to my health, we have done long walks on a weekly basis, had healthy meals together, and girl talk so she sincerely is concerned about me as a person. I don't know why that amazes me that someone on this earth actually cares about me, but it does. Anyway I told her A would loose basically close to 70 pounds by her wedding day. She made me shake on it and was very excited. It was extremely funny. So I guess I better get back on it.

And with that if there is any reader out there wanting to send inspiring comments that would be welcome!


  1. CARDIO, stretching, chi kung, weights, it's all mental--when you master that one, you're sliding into third! Bon chance! You forgot to add that I stand behind you too. Or is this just a female friendship thing you were talking about?

  2. Sorry Honey, I know you are there. I even told one of my kids, between you, my friends and them I had to get back into it. I love you.
