Monday, February 15, 2010


What a day. I vaccumed some hard to reach spots, got the primroses planted. Swept the outside steps, took out the trash, emptied the dishwasher, washed and dried the sheets, blankets, pillows, a stuffed bear and a load of darks, worked out on the rowing machine, exercise bike and elliptical trainer, met a new friend Amy for hot cocoa - talked, talked, talked, and talked some more, bought some flowers, mopped part of the kitchen floor (have to do it in sections to be able to get to the washer/dryer)and am now ready for bed on my nice clean sheets! Met Market with a coupon had tulips two bunches for the price of one so I bought some for Aaron and I to share. This was kind of like a perfect day. I know spring is on its way, because that is when I am so productive. Less SAD and more active, glad and full of energy. I think I will take Thursday off too, and have a four day weekend. Thursday will give me a chance to finish what I started cleaning wise! YAY!!!

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