Friday, August 21, 2009


Tears keep dropping from my eyes. It is hard to have a relationship when one party doesn't stop to consider the other on a weekend night. Sounds familiar. So I am home alone thinking I was supposed to be giving him a Reike treatment tonight and he is having dinner with friends. Apparently I couldn't join them. I told him I felt stood up tonight. I had initially told him it was fine. He asked me why I told him it was fine. And I guess it was because I had to justify it to myself. I had to make it ok. Had to make it ok that he would rather be with friends than me on a Friday night.

I need flames
I crave fire
molten heat
crush me
to cinder

1 comment:

  1. I can not and will not "read" your mind to know if something is "okay"...I require honest, effective communication. We talked about switching days when we would be together in previous discussions.

