Monday, August 24, 2009


Worried tonight. Haven't heard from A all day. Not email or phone. He always checks in and he leads such a stressful life I hope he is ok.

Our weekend was kind of magical.

Saturday morning was rough, we had to talk about Friday, when I felt stood up by him. Not sure he gets it as such no guarantee it won't happen again. Walk that bridge if we come to it. Watched Julie and Julia and yes he is the butter to my bread.

We ended up at Lincoln Park and had a great talk. I mean I just love how we can talk movies (or film if you prefer), politics, life stuff, then had incredible Vietnamese sandwiches. I mean fresh cucumber on these ones..yummy. Went back to his place watched an interesting movie, woke up Sunday. He seemed a bit out of sorts came back from coffee and made me breakfast. And it was yummy. After the eggs we talked a lot about some of the stress he is under cleared some things up. I helped where I could. Then I went to the garden he did some things around the house. I crafted tomato and basil sandwiches on red pepper bagels and mmmm they were exquisite. Went to Greenlake I started a new book (tired from gardening) while he walked and sipped a caramel frappacino. Ah a good book and caramel...mmmm life is good. Then we came home and watched Forgetting Sara Marshall, and yes it was predictable and saccharin and I utterly loved it. Took a little romance break and segwayed into a ballroom dancing DVD and practiced the waltz. I haven't laughed so hard in ages. It was the perfect cap to the evening.

I love this man. He doesn't want me to because of all the stuff in his life, but it is too late I am hooked.

Went back to work, it is hard to work after a magical night. So yes it was very rocky today at work.

Came home listened to Matthew Sweet and David Wilcox and read. And now I am hoping my man has at least sent an email. I took out the garbage a little bit ago and apparently tonight I am the only one in this highly affluent neighborhood who has trash refuge garbage. Maybe that is why the neighbor in the ultra big house across the street gives me dirty looks (yup she actually asked A to move the car when he was parking in front of her house some lame story about a delivery, yeah, right.) Oh well at least I take my crap out!

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